Consultancy & Workshops
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Digital transformation & strategy consulting

The technological development of recent years is certainly the most significant advance of the last century and probably the start of the next industrial revolution. The requirement for organisations to adapt their structures, processes and thought patterns is complex, but offers great opportunities. Industrial companies and manufacturing companies in particular can use these changes to digitalise their processes, develop innovative digital products and services and thus strengthen their competitiveness.

We support organisations in recognising their digital potential and turning it into measurable and sustainable business success.

Why we can support you

Just like technology, our design process has changed significantly in recent years. Change management, digital transformation and organisational development have become an important part of our design process so that we can continue to support our clients effectively.

We are a team of experts with a wide range of backgrounds, such as service design, innovation management, programming, user experience design and product design. Our experience comes from the implementation of various projects in the industrial sector. Here, we repeatedly encounter typical challenges that we solve together with our customers.

User-centred thinking vs. technology-centred development

Picture this common scenario: The project is focused on the technical possibilities and innovations without primarily addressing the needs and experiences of the users. This means that the development process is guided by technological trends and the capabilities of the developers or the technology used. The user and their needs become less and less important. The rude awakening follows with an honest user review or user testing, or even worse, after the rollout of the product.

Do you have a similar problem?
We look forward to your email.


Effecting change together instead of talking at length: Working in close collaboration, we combine our clients’ expertise with our experience in facilitation and methodology. This way, we achieve results in just 1-2 days that can be used long-term to move the project forward. The investment for a 1-day workshop with our team starts at € 3,200.

  1. Digital business model innovation
    Work with our team to develop new digital business models that make your company fit for the future.
  2. Service design
    User-centred development of services and products through service design methods. More about service design
  3. Persona workshop
    Creation of detailed user/customer profiles to better understand target groups and provide targeted support for marketing and development processes.
  4. User interface & user experience basics workshop
    Basic training in UI and UX principles for your development team to create user-friendly applications.
  5. Customer journey workshop
    Analysis and optimisation of the entire customer experience along the product usage cycle to create better user experiences.
alex and katja with post-it notes | design studio Vienna

Migration of the MVP to the production environment

Imagine the MVP has worked exactly as planned and the user feedback from testing is so positive that a global roll-out of the product is planned. All of a sudden, completely different IT, performance and security requirements apply. New stakeholders are suddenly part of the project team and the previously agile and efficient process is characterised by additional requirements, almost unmanageable complexity and, ultimately, frustration.

Do you recognise yourself in this predicament? Contact us, we are happy to support you.


We provide targeted support for our clients’ projects: either through targeted input from us as a sparring partner or by integrating our employees into the client’s teams in larger projects. We offer practice-orientated solutions and help to achieve goals efficiently.

  1. Development of a digitalisation strategy
    Creation and implementation of a customised digitalisation strategy tailored to the specific needs and goals of your organisation.
  2. Innovation management
    Support in the development and implementation of innovation processes that form the basis for a constant innovation culture and the continuous flow of marketable ideas.
  3. Digital product development
    Consultancy and support in the development and market launch of digital products from idea to rollout.
  4. Service design
    Designing products through user-centred and efficient processes to maximise customer value. More about service design
  5. Customer journey management
    Analysis and optimisation of the entire customer journey to improve the customer experience and strengthen customer loyalty.
  6. Development of digital business models
    Development of new business models and processes that successfully position your company in the world of digital products.
Alexander Peschek steht vor einem Flipchart und hält einen Vortrag

Not letting a bad idea go?

Traditional organisations tend to hold on to product ideas that do not bring the desired results to supposedly improve them. In most cases, improving means adding features, increasing complexity and, very often, ‘more of the same’.

To quote Prof Dr Fredmund Malik: “Making something 50% faster or more economical is great progress, but it is still 100% wrong if it is something that should no longer be done.”

How can you break out of this cycle and find a more effective approach? For this, we use proven tools such as:

 Have you experienced something similar? Then we look forward to an exchange.

Successful together

On average, our clients work with us for 60 months. That sounds like a lot, but it means that they are so successful with the results that we can implement several projects together. A selection of our clients:

Get in touch!

Are you looking for a sparring partner with whom you can challenge your project idea or a strategy consultant for the development of an MVP? Or would you simply like to find out more about UX/UI design and digital transformation? You’ve come to the right place: just send us a message and we’ll take care of the rest.


Let's turn your vision into reality!

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    You’d prefer to contact us directly? Of course! Here’s how to reach us:

    You’d prefer to contact us directly? Of course! Here’s how to reach us:


    Tel: +43 1 47 07 922

    Make an appointment right away?

    Sure! Directly book a non-binding initial consultation to share your vision and ideas with us – free of charge, of course. We look forward to meeting you!

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