Software Development
All about the

Our portfolio includes websites, web apps, mobile apps and software, both in the consumer sector and for industrial applications. Our developers use modern technologies to deliver high-quality and future-proof solutions. By applying agile methods, we ensure that we can react flexibly to project changes at any time. Before we start developing, we define the tech stack and the project framework together with you and your project team, based on your individual requirements.

We understand that your project is unique. That’s why we emphasise detailed briefing and careful planning in order to develop a concept that is tailored to the project scope. This preparation pays off particularly in projects with a high degree of complexity, e.g. if the target group is very specific, the project has a large scope and many project participants or the requirements are technically demanding.

Our UX/UI team is fully integrated into the development team. This ensures that your product is not only functional, but also offers outstanding usability and appealing interfaces. Quality assurance is also an essential part of our portfolio: We use manual and automated tests to ensure that your software is bug-free and powerful.

On request, we remain involved in the project after the rollout and take on post-release tasks such as ongoing system monitoring, user service management or the creation of marketing concepts and content for your digital product.


In terms of web applications, we develop everything from simple websites to complex PWAs (Progressive Web Apps). What we choose depends on your project requirements:

  • Websites: While a static website is ideal for simple and infrequently updated content, a CMS-based website (e.g. WordPress) or custom-programmed solution can cover more specific requirements. We also develop microsites and interactive web features that can be easily integrated into existing content management systems.
  • Web apps: These run platform-independently in the web browser. Progressive web apps (PWAs) offer similar functions and a similar user experience to native apps.
Web Entwicklung von PESCHKE


Native, cross-platform or hybrid? Technology in app development has advanced considerably in recent years and offers various options for mobile applications:

  • Native apps: are developed specifically for a particular platform (iOS or Android)
  • Cross-platform apps: run on multiple platforms with one codebase
  • Hybrid apps: combine elements of web and native apps

Your business case and your users determine which type of app is right for you. Feel free to contact us for a non-binding consultation to discuss your project requirements.

App Entwicklung von PESCHKE

PoC and MVP

Scalable, quick learnings and decision-making in digital innovation projects? Sounds impossible to many, but it’s not: before developing and rolling out a product on a large scale, it should first be conceptualised on a small scale and tested using a PoC and MVP:

  • A Proof of Concept (PoC) is used to ensure that a specific solution can deliver the desired results. If it is successful, it proves the feasibility of the idea and forms the basis for the next step in the project. This is done at an early stage of the project in order to minimise risks and make well-founded decisions regarding further development.
  • A Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is the simplest possible version of a product with minimal, but essential, functions. The aim of an MVP is to get to market quickly in order to obtain real customer feedback and manage product development efficiently. An MVP allows companies to test at an early stage whether the product meets the needs of users before investing further resources into full development.
Vergleich eines PoC mit einem MVP in der Webentwicklung

Connectivity, IoT & cloud

Be it direct communication between WiFi/Bluetooth product and app or a complex IoT application: The goal is a centralised, user-friendly interface and a stable framework.

  • Connectivity: Describes the capacity for connection between platforms, systems and applications. Apps can connect to your smart product via WiFi & Bluetooth interface. An example of this is our ZEISS Hunting app, which can connect to riflescopes, thermal imaging cameras and other smart products.
  • IoT & cloud: The term IoT (Internet of Things) refers to the collective network of connected devices and the technology that facilitates communication between the devices and the cloud, as well as between the devices themselves. More about IoT in our blog
  • SaaS: stands for “Software as a Service”. This is a software distribution model in which applications are provided as a subscription service over the Internet instead of users installing and running them locally on their computers. This makes the application more accessible, scalable (by customising it to a company’s needs) and cost-efficient. A well-known example is Microsoft Office 365.
  • PaaS: stands for “Platform as a Service” and refers to a cloud computing model that offers developers a platform with all the necessary tools, libraries, frameworks and services for software development.
IoT und Cloud-Anwendungen von PESCHKE

Post-release management

Post-release measures are essential after the launch of digital products in order to market the product effectively, keep it up to date with the latest technology and respond to user needs.

  • User service management: This strategic approach goes beyond technical support and focusses on a seamless, positive user experience (UX). User training, continuous improvement and other measures are used to increase customer satisfaction and software utilisation.
  • App store reviews: App reviews are essential for the further development and improvement of the product. Responding professionally to customer feedback also strengthens the brand image and creates a more positive user experience.
  • Iterative UX reviews & improvements: An iterative process is based on the repetition of design and development steps in order to achieve constant improvements and optimise the user experience. Due to the rapid pace of technological progress, standing still means falling behind.
  • Server & security monitoring and performance tests: These are essential on an ongoing basis so that potential problems can be recognised quickly and corrective action can be taken.
  • Customisations for mobile system updates (iOS, Android): New system updates can restrict the functions of an application. Therefore, mobile apps must be adjusted to these updates on the regular.
  • Marketing concept & content: The best app will not be used if nobody knows about it. To convince potential users of the benefits of the application, we need to communicate them in a compelling way.
Daten-Analyse und Web-Monitoring von PESCHKE

Project ownership

Project ownership brings numerous advantages to software development:

  • Knowledge building
    Our project owners develop a deep understanding of your product and ensure an ongoing transfer of knowledge within the entire project team. This ensures that the requirements and challenges are clear to everyone working on the product, thereby guaranteeing sustainable development.
  • Requirements engineering & project roadmap
    The product backlog we create takes into account your requirements as a product owner, the business case and the technical requirements, as well as the needs of your users and optimal usability (UX/UI). We emphasise short-term goals as much as long-term vision and scalability.
  • One project, one team
    Our project owners coordinate between all stakeholders on the customer side and the interdisciplinary team of designers, developers and consultants. This ensures that synergies are utilised and the project is driven forward in a targeted manner.
  • Reporting & documentation
    Even if we are the primary coordinator and connecting link in the project, you remain informed about all steps. This close-knit documentation ensures traceability.

Our development process

From the initial briefing on project ideas and product requirements to user experience and interface design, software development, testing and monitoring to the successful final software product: the steps in the development process are extensive but transparent. Here, you can gain an insight into a typical development process:

Software Development
Carl Zeiss AG
App development

… including consulting & overall concept of the ZEISS Hunting app: the first app on the market that combines all hunting-relevant features.

Nationalpark Neusiedler See – Seewinkel
Website redesign & online shop

Redesign and redevelopment of the entire Nationalpark website including an online shop for booking events around Lake Neusiedl.

ENGEL Austria GmbH
Software & UX/UI design

Development and design of a 3D painting configurator: customers can view their machine in different colour finishes before purchasing.

Website relaunch & development

Complete relaunch of the website including restructuring, rebranding as well as new features such as the integrated application process.

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What we do

PESCHKE has a very deep knowledge and understanding of how to build a vision for the future. They bring these ideas to the ground and provide concrete solutions such as realizing a new product ecosystem and integrating connected products. They also have a deep technical understanding of marketing and create great designs for UX/UI. Their comprehensive service is what makes PESCHKE so unique.

Magnus Schepers, Project Manager

Our customers confirm that the design and UX are great. Meanwhile, the PESCHKE team is highly flexible as they grow with us and our developers. Overall, we’ve had a great collaboration.

Martin Dlouhy, CEO

We’re very happy with the quality of PESCHKE’s work and their feedback. They’re very responsive and helpful. They’re always focused on finding a solution that meets the requirements for manufacturing, but that is also satisfying for us from a design point of view.

Denise Mandt, Founder

Communication was very easy and fast. The entire team is motivated and helpful. Their fast responsiveness, eye for detail and patience for contradicting requirements is impressive.

TTTech logo white | weiß
Elias Sheety,a Project Manager

PESCHKE was focused on fulfilling our objectives. Dedicated to meeting expectations, they produced functional and well-designed deliverables. Upon applying the design to the machinery, we noted an additional improvement regarding ease of use. Accommodating and responsive, the PESCHKE team was receptive to feedback and quickly implemented our idea in the designs.

Florian Mosgöller, Manager

PESCHKE has successfully collaborated with us on multiple tasks involving UX design, MVP and product development, product ideation, web optimisation, and WordPress development. PESCHKE excels in prototype development and have received excellent marks from internal and external testers regarding product usability. The team has delivered on time and within budget. Moreover, their communication is excellent.

Roland Pospischil-Schwartz, Business Development Digital
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Get in touch!

Do you have a software project in mind but don’t know where to start? We are happy to provide support and cover the entire process from evaluation, design, development and testing through to the final software, including hosting, updates and monitoring. Just send us a message and we’ll get the collaboration started.

Our clients choose us for a reason:

Because we choose them. Choosing means committing.
Going all-in. Delivering.

We believe in our clients’ vision and know one thing for certain: The only route to our success is to make our clients successful too.

Let's turn your vision into reality!

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    You’d prefer to contact us directly? Of course! Here’s how to reach us:


    Tel: +43 1 47 07 922

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